Yes, you can still register used products to receive the latest information about eJOE products and ongoing promotions. Please, keep in mind that online registration does not act as proof of purchase and cannot validate the warranty. For more information, visit the warranty section.
Thank you for purchasing eJOE electric bike and taking a few moments to register it online!
Though not required to get the protection of the standard warranty, registering your product helps us keep you up to date on product information, technical support, and special offers. We ask you to provide us with the contact information, general e-bike details (including serial number), and proof of purchase such as a receipt. If your product qualifies for an extended warranty, please, mention it in the Note section.
What if I bought my product used? Can I still register it?
Where do I find a serial number?
The serial number is printed either on the headtube of the frame above the front suspension fork or on the bottom of the downtube between crankarms. The regular format is AB01234567. In a respective Manual, you can find an image illustrating the location of the serial number.

What are the benefits of the registration?
Register now to receive the latest information about eJOE products and technologies, and to be the first to find out about our special offers and discounts. It is also useful in warranty- and service-related situations.
Do I have to register my product to activate my warranty?
No, product warranties are activated on the day of purchase and are validated by retaining the original of your purchase receipt. Learn more in our warranty section.